Monday, October 13, 2008

That other turkey day

I want to wish my Canadian family and friends a happy thanksgiving today. Even though it's entirely the wrong month and still too warm for a hoodie...Canadians baffle me with their mixed up turkey day and their just-another-excuse-to-get-off-work monthly made up holidays. Gotta love 'em! Wish we had thought of that first.

I leave you with this! The best turkey picture on the internet.

Any turkey can tango, any turkey can dance, any turkey can tango, if they had a chance.

Words to live by I say.

Have a great Thanksgiving ya'll!


Anonymous said...

I thought maybe that the turkey was speaking Creek.


It is def. a motto to live by. Happy Thanksgiving!

AJ said...

Oh my...maybe he IS! I probably should have translated before I posted. It may not be very nice. lol