...for recognizing my performance as the worst mother in the world.
Happy birthday Rogit! You're 6 today! And my gift to you is that one traumatic childhood experience that will stick with you for the rest of your life. I can hear it already, 30 years from now,
"Mom, remember that year I turned 6 and you didn't make me any cupcakes for school? That was the worst birthday ever."
Let the record show that I have offered for over a month to make the child cupcakes for school and he said he didn't want them. How was I supposed to know that 2 minutes before the bell rang he would panic because he didn't have anything to take and have a complete meltdown??
Let the record also show that I feel like a complete jerk anyway.
Edited to add: I totally just flew to Wamalart and bought the kid some cupcakes. They'll be waiting for him at snack time when he wakes up from nap.
5 years ago
If it's any consolation, my 6th birthday is a hazy memory. And besides, by the time he's 30, he'll have found other reasons to be traumatized by your parenting! :D
I'm j/k. You know he loves you.
Although I understand why you feel that way, I have to admit... it might have been better to have used this as a life lesson. Namely, choices have consequences.
There is nothing better to teach your children than responsibility for the actions they take. Yes you might feel better getting them what they want when they have a melt down...
But what long term lesson are you teaching them when you do? Character will server your child more than a cupcake :)
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