Monday, December 15, 2008

C'mon Get Happy!

If you're half the nerd I am, you are totally singing Brady Bunch music after reading that title. If you're not...well, I choose to believe *you're* the one with issues. heh

On a totally random thought, completely unrelated to this post, where did my font options disappear to? I dislike serifs! Blogger you really tick me off sometimes! But alas, I cannot conquer you WordPress, so here we are.

So I haven't posted in several weeks, and I left things on a pretty dark and depressing note, but I am here to correct that! A wise old (ok not old at all) Adrian type person said I should have a blog, and how lame is it that I have one and just can't stay motivated to keep it up?

Now, let's bring this place back to the smurfy side with some totally random things that are making me happy at the moment.

Number one! In 5 days we will celebrate the first day of Christmas break. Sure, Christmas is exciting, but I am really celebrating the fact that I have two weeks wherein I don't have to get up at the (_|_)crack of dawn and get a kid to school when he'd rather stay in bed just like me.

Numero dos! On Friday, she of the Sparkly Britches will be leaving the land of the Tarheels and flying to Hokieloma to spend Christmas with her family. TEN days I say! Which means there is ample time to squeeze in one heaping basket of fried mushrooms at Eskimo Joe's and reminisce as we do *so* well.

Letter C! On Christmas Eve eve my sister and brother-in-law, with Corgie and Weiner dog in tow, will be driving down from Idaho to spend Christmas and New Years (read: Mom's birthday) with us. My kiddos are absolutely beside themselves with excitement, and that makes me happier than just about anything.

Section D, Part I! It's cold. It's really bloomin' cold outside and I LOVE IT!

Section D, Part II! Chili...and hot chocolate...and gingerbread cookies...and COLLEGE BOWL GAMES! That is all.


My desk is so cold I feel like an elf working at the North Pole, minus the chubby guy in the red fuzzy suit cracking his whip at me. But I will return to work now, so that I may finish in time to put up my Christmas tree tonight and no longer be counted among the Christmas slackers.